Defect: Mirror broken during shipment | Mirror FrameCause: there are other reasons, like poor packaging, but we found...
Crack sharp point | Mini plywood jewelry box
Defect: Crack sharp point | Mini plywood jewelry boxCause: Plywood is thin and the surface film is crisp, easy to exp...
Fragile label is inconspicuous on mail order package | Mirror frame
Defect: Fragile label is inconspicuous on mail order package | Mirror frameCause: Client provides shipping mark forma...
Mirror frame | Domestic
Main product: Mirror frame | OverseaFactory estimated size: middleFactory name: Huachen Manufacturing trading Co.,Ltd...
Too bigger gap in the packing
Defect: Too bigger gap in the packing, will absolutely cause color box damaged during shipmentCause: with wrong packa...
Broken decal | ceramic cup
Defect: Broken decal | ceramic cupCause: careless decal, and no inspection before bake in kiln.Solution: must be car...
Fake crack, dent mark | Ceramic bowl
Defect: Fake crack, dent mark | Ceramic bowlCause: Concentration of glaze solution is too strong, and glazing amassme...
Sweater | Clothe
Main product: Sweater | ClotheFactory estimated size: smallFactory name: Bomei clothing Co.,Ltd.Contact: Mr Qui, +86....
Hanging hole is not perpendicular | wall clock
Defect: Hanging hole is not perpendicular | wall clockCause: inappropriate or missing welding fixing mold; careless i...
Wrong position of small decor piece | Seasonal glass
Defect: Wrong position of small decor piece | Seasonal glassCause: 1) Poor quality control; 2)Poor production procedu...